What's new on OptiMonk


new feature
May 20, 2021

New Feature: Subscribers / Non-Subscribers Targeting

Avoid re-advertising to already-captured leads by excluding OptiMonk subscriber’s from your campaign targeting settings. Alternatively, you can create more personalized messages for visitors who have not subscribed to an OptiMonk campaign in the past.

This is a new feature available in your campaign settings under “Select who should see the popup”. Click “Add New Condition” to pull up your options.

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With this condition you can target or exclude visitors who have previously subscribed to a specific email list from your OptiMonk campaigns. If someone is subscribed to one of your lists on Mailchimp, or another platform, you will be able to use these lists to customize your targeting parameters.

We recommend to keep the default “any list” option if you prefer to target (or exclude) all visitors who have already signed up through any of your campaigns.

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